atlas by clearpeople

Blog posts

    Calling the new Presence endpoint in MS Graph API from SPFx

    Last December, the Microsoft Graph team announced the preview of a new endpoint in the MS Graph API, that allows us to get presence information for a set of users.

    Export data to CSV with Typescript without format issues

    On many occasions, users need to export the information shown in a table or list on our website and without a doubt, it is our responsibility to facilitate this task. And what better way than allowing to export the information to CSV with a single click.

    Become a Nielsen Norman Group Annual Intranet Design award winner?

    Step this way.

    Microsoft Teams Tips and best practice advice for Human Resources (HR)

    Microsoft Teams is an invaluable tool that can help people in a myriad of jobs.

    Tips for Teams Sales

    Microsoft Teams and the easier sell.

    Tips for Teams for Marketing

    Microsoft is retiring Skype for Business Online in 2021. Skype is something we’ve become so familiar with and saying goodbye to such a useful tool can be hard. Ok, so that’s the bad news out of the way. Say hello to Microsoft Teams!

    Microsoft has launched the new Microsoft Customer Agreement (MCA)

    New Microsoft Customer Agreement as of October 1, 2019

    Webinar Improve collective knowledge and make better decisions

    Webinar presented by Gabriel Karawani, ClearPeople's Director & Co-Founder, about "Collective Intelligence" and how organisations can create value and make better decisions.

    Xamarin.Forms: How to create a ContentView with expandable functionality?

    Everybody loves the Expandable components. This kind of component (sometimes named accordion) is intuitive and allows you to create clean views. But unfortunately, Xamarin Forms does not have a layout that allows to you create expandable components. Obviously, there are third party tool that supply this, but why don't create it yourself?

    Adoption tip 5: Measure success

    The final part in the series of technology adoption tips regards measuring success.