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Blog posts

    Enhancing Multi-Channel Campaign Management with Viva Amplify + Atlas

    In today's fast-paced digital landscape, effective communication is key for organizations to reach their target audiences. Microsoft is constantly innovating to provide new tools that streamline communication processes. The latest addition to their suite, Viva Amplify, offers a comprehensive solution for communication managers to create multi-channel campaigns with approvals, workflows and reports. This article explores how Viva Amplify integrates with Atlas and how Atlas not only improves the experience but also improves governance and advanced analytics.

    Migrating Jive to SharePoint? Why replacing Jive is a smart move.

    Jive was a leading social platform for many years, but the combination of changing market dynamics and its own strategic direction due to change in ownership, has contributed to a decreased market presence for Jive in recent years. 

    Microsoft Viva explained. All you need to know about the Viva Suite.

    Microsoft Viva explained: in this comprehensive blog, we'll unravel Microsoft's latest employee experience platform called Microsoft Viva.  Microsoft Viva is a suite of applications that integrates with Microsoft 365 to support, inspire, and empower individuals and teams. From advanced learning opportunities and insightful analytics to OKR goal setting and engaging teams with communities.

    What is Microsoft (MS) Viva Engage and does it replace Yammer?

    Microsoft Viva Engage is part of the Microsoft Viva employee experience platform and was launched on 19 July 2022 at Microsoft Inspire.

    Topics covered in this blog:

    Microsoft Loop, the future of document creation and collaboration

    I and many others think that Microsoft Loop is the future of document creation and collaboration. Here's why:

    Here's a scenario we can all imagine: you're in MS Teams, and you have a team chat going on. You want to work in a table so you can capture area sales data (for example). How do you do this?

    Currently you can create an Excel worksheet and save that in the Files tab of Teams. But that means leaving the chat or swapping to Excel which breaks up the flow of the chat. Loop components allow you to insert a table (and bulleted list, checklist, numbered list, paragraph and task list) directly into the chat. The great thing about this is that everyone in the chat can edit the table without having to share it separately.

    5 Key Features that every Microsoft Client Portal Should Have

    You know the importance of keeping your clients happy but, let’s face it, keeping up with questions, requests and inquiries – as well as keeping track of all that information – is a daily and costly challenge. 

    And then there's the issue of security; after all, many of those documents and interactions between you and your clients contain sensitive financial and business information and neither party could afford to have that information go astray.  

    The Best Microsoft Technology for Virtual Water Cooler Moments

    Casual interactions are a natural way for humans to connect, especially in an office environment. Whether it’s grabbing a coffee in the kitchen first thing, or throwing around concepts over the office water cooler, some of the most creative, profitable business ideas have come from these interactions.

    The role of Microsoft Teams within Project Management

    Collaboration and communication across the organization is essential for project management teams. So it's important that project management teams have the right tools to be able to work effectively. Microsoft Teams provides a channel of communication that contributes to project management success.

    Does proposal management software really help you win new business?

    Many businesses have to regularly respond to requests for proposals (RFPs) - after all, each RFP is a sales opportunity. But proposals require resources and good proposal management to be successful, and to realise that business growth potential. How well is your business equipped to produce efficient and effective proposals?

    What is Microsoft Loop? All about Loop Workspaces, Pages & Components

    Microsoft Loop is the new application punted to change how people collaborate with their colleagues and perform daily tasks.  

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