atlas by clearpeople

Blog posts

    Troubleshooting Search Issues with Result Source in SharePoint

    One of the most powerful features of SharePoint is the Search Rest API. It allows us to obtain, filter and personalize information that’s useful to a user and allows us to create pages of content of interest for them. 

    SharePoint Term Store management and restoring deleted metadata

    Have you ever deleted managed metadata term sets in SharePoint? Do you know the consequence of deleting managed metadata terms sets?

    Community sample: Engage your users with SharePoint stories/reels

    Would it not be cool to engage your Modern Workplace users with content appearing like in your favourite social network? In my latest community sample, I built an SPFx webpart to do so. Here is how I did it, but first, this is how it looks:

    What is Microsoft Viva Topics (Project Cortex) and SharePoint Premium (Syntex)?

    In 2020, ClearPeople was announced as one of just 17 Microsoft global launch partners and recognised with Preferred Partner status for Project Cortex (now called Microsoft Viva Topics), Microsoft’s initiative to make AI capabilities available within Microsoft 365.

    Approval workflow for SharePoint Online approval in Microsoft Teams

    As Microsoft recently announced the upcoming retirement of SharePoint 2010 workflows we have seen a lot of questions about how to transition away from them before November.

    Private Groups not appearing in SharePoint Search

    One of the main steps when provision Teams, is calling Microsoft Graph API, to, well, provision the Team. Although the Team was provisioned correctly, we realised that the Team (and therefore all the content related to the Team, like files in the SharePoint library) was not surfaced in the Office 365 search (or SharePoint search if you will). So nothing at all was coming up for the Owner of the Team. Why was that?

    Calling the new Presence endpoint in MS Graph API from SPFx

    Last December, the Microsoft Graph team announced the preview of a new endpoint in the MS Graph API, that allows us to get presence information for a set of users.

    SharePoint Online - Understanding Term Store synchronisation

    Being surrounded by lists, libraries, and data that are subject to being indexed, and cached, it is worth understanding how the Term Store behaves when it is modified since it varies a bit compared to the rest of the data in SharePoint Online.

    20 Things We're Excited About From Microsoft Ignite

    Microsoft Ignite 2019 kicked off in Nov 2019 in Orlando, followed by a series of local Ignite The Tour events into H1 2020. 

    It was in my opinion the most exciting Ignite for a long while.

    Script to set the banner in SharePoint Modern pages

    Our SharePoint Team Lead provides a script to set a banner in 'Modern' SharePoint Pages