atlas by clearpeople

Blog posts

    9 hybrid working challenges and solutions

    The shift towards hybrid working has transformed the corporate landscape, offering flexibility and a more balanced approach to work-life integration. However, this evolution brings its own set of challenges, particularly in areas like collaboration, engagement, and data management. Let's explore these hurdles and discover how the Atlas Intelligent Knowledge Platform is uniquely positioned to address them.

    Digital Workplace Maturity Model

    The digital workplace maturity model guides organisations on how to drive more strategic value out of their digital workplace: increasing engagement, innovation, efficiencies and productivity.

    Effective onboarding practices for hybrid working

    Remote and hybrid working has gained traction. But you still need to provide a great onboarding experience to new joiners – if anything, in today's work environment this is even more critical. How do you do this?  This post outlines how you can ensure hybrid or remote work success with 8 tips for onboarding.   

    10 crucial digital workplace priorities for 2023

    The modern office has changed significantly since the COVID-19 pandemic, but we’re set to oversee further major changes to the way we work. From Gen Z entering the workforce to automation and AI, here are 10 crucial digital workplace priorities to think about for 2023:

    7 reasons why companies need an intranet for remote work

    Remote work has become increasingly popular in the UK and elsewhere, with nearly 40% of those who earn £40,000 or more still working in a remote capacity as of 2022.   

    Why modern intranets are the key to a contemporary workplace

    Since 2020, remote and hybrid working has revolutionised the modern workplace. While remote working was initially implemented as a temporary solution to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, many workplaces have now shifted exclusively to remote working, or found ways to integrate a hybrid element to the employee experience.

    Should you track employee workload in the digital workplace?

    Digital working is great for several reasons, most notably that employees enjoy greater flexibility over their working hours, while employers aren’t obliged to provide constant oversight during office time. One downside of digital working though, is that it can be difficult to track employee workload and productivity without an office presence.

    Are Ideation Software Platforms a good idea?

    In business, ideation means generating and developing new ideas to solve a problem or improve a product, process or service. Ideation is typically aimed at solving a problem or providing a more efficient means of doing or accomplishing something.

    In this blog:

    5 Key Features that every Microsoft Client Portal Should Have

    You know the importance of keeping your clients happy but, let’s face it, keeping up with questions, requests and inquiries – as well as keeping track of all that information – is a daily and costly challenge. 

    And then there's the issue of security; after all, many of those documents and interactions between you and your clients contain sensitive financial and business information and neither party could afford to have that information go astray.  

    Knowledge: 4 ways knowledge management boosts productivity

    Knowledge management is an increasingly key focus in business, which makes sense given how knowledge management (KM) correlates to productivity and efficiency.  This comprehensive blog delves into the core of knowledge management and its pivotal role in enhancing productivity. We'll also explore insights from our leading knowledge management eBook, offering valuable resources for those looking to deepen their understanding of KM practices.