atlas by clearpeople

Blog posts

    Guide to Best Knowledge Management Software for Your Knowledge Base

    In the realm of knowledge management, a knowledge base is often seen as a go-to solution for many organizations. However, as businesses evolve and the demand for more dynamic, intelligent and integrated knowledge management solutions increases, you may want to explore other choices over tradional knowledge base software.

    Does proposal management software really help you win new business?

    Many businesses have to regularly respond to requests for proposals (RFPs) - after all, each RFP is a sales opportunity. But proposals require resources and good proposal management to be successful, and to realise that business growth potential. How well is your business equipped to produce efficient and effective proposals?

    How Custom Metadata in Atlas Works

    Digitizing case law documentation is one thing, but can you actually find anything in those millions of bytes of data? Here’s how custom metadata in Atlas saves time and quite possibly the legal professional’s sanity. 
    Case Law – when previous legal cases constitute a binding precedent where the rationale, judgements, legal principles and interpretations of previous cases are documented so they can be applied to new cases – ensures the same practice and application of the law over time. A famous example from the United States is Roe v Wade, but each political jurisdiction, whether local, regional, or national will have hundreds, if not thousands, of cases lawyers are able to review.  

    With remote working or work from home practices growing, filing cabinets are hardly fit for purpose when it comes to SharePoint document management. So how do legal firms create a SharePoint document management system where previous case law can be collated, stored, and easily accessed online?

    Uploading digitized case law documentation is one thing, but without a powerful search and easy-to-use filtering configuration, that particular case you so urgently need becomes the proverbial ‘needle in a haystack’. An intuitive, user-friendly experience here could be essential to a lawyer finding the right case law document … and winning their case. 

    What is corporate memory? And how do you combat corporate memory loss?

    Preventing corporate memory loss in your business will contribute enormously to your people feeling like they’re part of a team and knowing what’s expected of them. In the ‘age of the employee’ it’s the secret ingredient to company success. 

    Creating Your First Microsoft Viva Topic

    Microsoft Viva Topics is the name announced on Feb 4th 2021 as the official name for what was until now known as Project Cortex Topics, Topic Experience or Intelligent Topics. Watch a quick video on how a Viva Topics page is created.

    What is Collective Intelligence? And how does it apply in the workplace?

    Collective intelligence is the process by which a large group of individuals gather and share their knowledge, data and skills for the purpose of solving issues.

    What is Microsoft Viva Topics (Project Cortex) and SharePoint Premium (Syntex)?

    In 2020, ClearPeople was announced as one of just 17 Microsoft global launch partners and recognised with Preferred Partner status for Project Cortex (now called Microsoft Viva Topics), Microsoft’s initiative to make AI capabilities available within Microsoft 365.

    Siloes of One

    Here we go again… lockdown mk2.

    20 Things We're Excited About From Microsoft Ignite

    Microsoft Ignite 2019 kicked off in Nov 2019 in Orlando, followed by a series of local Ignite The Tour events into H1 2020. 

    It was in my opinion the most exciting Ignite for a long while.

    Project Cortex: What is it and what's next

    Project Cortex is the next generation technology for document management (DM) and knowledge management (KM) in Office 365. It enables the mining and extraction of knowledge from data, and organises the information into a Knowledge Network of shared topics (such as customers, projects, matters, cases or other).