atlas by clearpeople

Blog posts

    3 intranet success examples

    The world is not what it once was. Everything we need in our modern lives are just a few clicks of a button away. As should be the vast amount of information that organisations produce and hold. Due to increasing importance of data and content management paired with accessibility, companies are seeking ways to unlock the full power of knowledge, communication and collaboration.

    Export data to CSV with Typescript without format issues

    On many occasions, users need to export the information shown in a table or list on our website and without a doubt, it is our responsibility to facilitate this task. And what better way than allowing to export the information to CSV with a single click.

    Become a Nielsen Norman Group Annual Intranet Design award winner?

    Step this way.

    The Intelligent Workspace - Discovery in a Day Blog

    What did we discover? What did we uncover?

    Adoption tip 5: Measure success

    The final part in the series of technology adoption tips regards measuring success. 

    Adoption tip 4: Planning

    The latest tip in the adoption of introducing and adopting new technology is planning. Both planning and committing resources (previous blog) are often done in parallel as you can’t commit resources without knowing what the planned strategy is and how much resources are required.