atlas by clearpeople

Blog posts

    Posts by Katya Linossi:

    Taming Content Sprawl: Best Practices for SharePoint and Microsoft 365

    Numerous businesses rely on Microsoft 365 for collaboration, productivity, and content storage. While it's a powerful platform, managing content within Microsoft 365 can quickly spiral into chaos if not properly organized and governed. This phenomenon is known as "content sprawl." In this blog, we'll explore what content sprawl is, its challenges, and most importantly, effective strategies to manage content sprawl in Microsoft 365 and optimize your productivity.

    Digital Workplace Maturity Model

    The digital workplace maturity model guides organisations on how to drive more strategic value out of their digital workplace: increasing engagement, innovation, efficiencies and productivity.

    The Microsoft 365 Maturity Model


    What is corporate memory? And how do you combat corporate memory loss?

    Preventing corporate memory loss in your business will contribute enormously to your people feeling like they’re part of a team and knowing what’s expected of them. In the ‘age of the employee’ it’s the secret ingredient to company success. 

    Agile and remote working principles create a winning formula for hybrid working practices

    We have noticed that our clients who have successfully transitioned to remote working have a common trait: an agile mindset. 

    D&I Portal - supporting a Diversity & Inclusion Communication Strategy

    Diversity and Inclusion is being treated by some organisations as a key business strategy. Experts are unanimous in that Diversity and Inclusion is not a “project”. 

    What is Collective Intelligence?

    Collective intelligence is the process by which a large group of individuals gather and share their knowledge, data and skills for the purpose of solving societal issues.

    Adoption tip 5: Measure success

    The final part in the series of technology adoption tips regards measuring success. 

    Adoption tip 4: Planning

    The latest tip in the adoption of introducing and adopting new technology is planning. Both planning and committing resources (previous blog) are often done in parallel as you can’t commit resources without knowing what the planned strategy is and how much resources are required.

    Information Technology: Is It A Man’s World?

    Article published in Entrepreneur Magazine - Apr 6, 2016