atlas by clearpeople

Blog posts

    Posts by Petula Aardenburg:

    The Difference Between Out-of-the-box Intranets vs SharePoint Intranet

    What is the difference between out-of-the-box intranets and SharePoint intranets? When choosing an intranet solution, organizations often find themselves weighing the pros and cons of out-of-the-box intranets versus SharePoint intranet. This blog aims to clarify the key differences between these two options, helping you make an informed decision for your business.

    How to make hybrid working successful

    Hybrid working is no longer wishful thinking, a trend or a prophecy: hybrid working is happening and companies have to find ways to make it work for them and their people.

    The most common hybrid workplace challenges

    One outcome of the pandemic has been the focus on hybrid working and how to make it work. Hybrid and remote working has become the norm while organisations are still adapting to the technology and culture that can fully support it.

    Four differences between a digital workspace and a digital workplace

    The modern workplace is forcing companies to change the traditional workplace into more of a digital workplace. 

    Webinar: Highlights from the European Collaboration Summit

    The European Collaboration Summit took place on 28-30 May in Germany this year.

    ClearPeople launches new O365 product division, Think-5

    Award-winning digital ConsultagencyClearPeople, has today launched Think-5. 

    Improving teamwork and employee engagement

    The digitalisation of our working environment brings a lot of benefits. There are lots of tools available that can make your life easier, helping you to work not only faster but also smarter. 

    Actions speak louder than gender

    Discussing the positive correlation between gender diversity and financial performance

    McKinsey research has found there is a positive correlation between gender diversity and financial performance. There is no doubt that women are massively out-numbered by men in the tech sector and here at ClearPeople, we’re keen to fly the flag when it comes recruiting and nurturing some of the best female talent in the industry. But what is it like to be a woman today in the world of technology? We asked some of our female employees to share their views and experiences.