atlas by clearpeople

Alerts & Notifications

Alerts complete

Provide targeted alerts to users across the organization

Notify users about relevant activities, events, or changes happening within the organization.

Devices yellow illustration

Alerts & Notifications Features

  • Alerts can be targeted to users and groups
  • The alert color can be set
  • Alerts appear across all Atlas pages so as not to be missed
  • Different statuses of alert can be configured e.g. Critical, Notification etc.
  • URL links can be added
  • Users can easily mark as read all alerts and see the last 10 sent

Benefits of Alerts & Notifications

Keep users informed

Users in the organization are always up to date with the latest business changes.

Personalized tracking

Users can keep track of which notifications have been read and discard those that are not relevant to them. 

See Atlas in action!

Atlas has multiple uses and helps different teams achieve their different goals, so a demo really is the best way to understand what it does.

Our experienced team will listen to your pain points and objectives, and demo how Atlas can help. No commitment or expectations – we just want to show Atlas off.



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