atlas by clearpeople

A unified view of each customer


Identify opportunities; enhance your customer experience

When companies are unable to see their customers in a single view, resultant interactions are often impersonal, disjointed, outdated and suboptimal.

With a unified view of customers, Atlas empowers people to deliver outstanding customer experiences. Atlas:

  • Unifies customer data and interactions stored in separate tools, improving data quality.
  • Provides fast, easy access to a 360-degree view of customers, helping your team deliver exceptional customer service.
  • Saves hours spent researching and collating information, increasing productivity.
  • Increases win ratios on bids.
  • Delivers a holistic view of the customer, enabling your team to identify and capitalize on opportunities.
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Better knowledge equates to first-class customer service

Atlas unifies customer data from multiple systems – your CRM, ERP, business productivity tools, documents and even conversations in Microsoft Teams – and enhances it with knowledge and insights from around the business and external sources.

With fast, easy access to aggregated data and related knowledge, cross-functional teams can now proactively identify opportunities and provide informed, enhanced customer service.

Premium customer experience with Atlas

Unified customer view

Atlas collates information that sits in separate silos such as CRMs, documents, external insights and Microsoft Teams.

Identify opportunities

Atlas provides relevant, contextualized information to customer-facing employees, equipping them to provide proactive customer service.

Comprehensive customer hub

Atlas provides a single, collaborative workspace where employees find everything they need about the customer, including CRM data, experts, external insights and more.

More winning bids

Utilizing the best of Microsoft technology, Atlas streamlines bid management, increasing bid quality and win ratios.

Time savings

Atlas provides fast access to accurate information, reducing the time spent on researching and collating information by at least 20%.

Increases customer satisfaction

With fast access to accurate information your people can provide a more comprehensive customer experience, increasing customer satisfaction.

What our clients say

  • Thomas Harmeyer

    Executive Vice President
    “We need to ensure our employees on the frontline have all of the information they need to deliver a successful service.”
  • Phil White

    Head of Technology
    “We see staff being more engaged through Atlas, which we [can] track by seeing that they are better equipped and able to deal with any and all challenges.”
  • Thomas Harmeyer

    Executive Vice President
    “With this platform [our employees] will be better equipped to converse with agents, brokers and policy holders about the company, with the tools they need at hand.”

Atlas is a single platform


  • Information is spread across different databases
  • It’s difficult to share data and information with other teams and external partners
  • Information is inconsistent
  • No single source of truth

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How Atlas solves this

  • Atlas surfaces information from across all tools and systems into a central hub
  • Information can be shared easily and securely with colleagues, teams and external stakeholders
  • Automation and governance ensure information is tagged and displayed consistently
  • With Atlas the single source of truth is easily and quickly found and identified

Learn how Atlas enhances your customer experience

To find out how you can equip your people with a unified view of your customers, and enable them to provide competitive, stand-out customer service, book a demo with one of our team now.

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