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The role of Microsoft Teams within HR


The first in our series of blogs looking at the role Microsoft Teams can play in a company, highlights how it can help the Human Resource department in its daily functions.


As a HR department manages and communicates frequently with the staff in an organisation, it is important that they have the tools necessary to be able to work effectively. Microsoft Teams provides a platform that gives the HR department a quick and easy method to communicate with staff members as well as fulfil other duties. 


Streamline recruitment process

The recruitment process as a whole can become easier thanks to Microsoft Teams. HR teams can streamline the recruitment and interview processes by discussing results with other members of the company via Teams. Specific interview or recruitment based channels can be made, where results and information can be shared.


Employee Inductions

In companies with a high turnover of new starters, it can be difficult to enrol them all effectively and ensure they have a smooth transition into the company. With Microsoft Teams a HR department can plan, prepare and execute new starter inductions and engage directly with employees in training.


Share department resources

Through the Microsoft Team application, HR departments can share departmental resources and documents amongst other departments. Health and safety guides, employee handbooks and guidelines around holidays are amongst the materials that could be shared from the HR team.


Keeping the company updated

Microsoft Teams can integrate with other Office 365 software along with third party applications. This is useful for the HR team as they can apply these applications to Teams to share relevant company news with employees, along with external news and updates that the deem relevant.


These are just a few examples of how well Microsoft Teams works within a HR department and how it can contribute to its success. Of course each company is different and maybe Microsoft Teams has been able to help your HR department in other ways? If that’s the case, contact us to tell us of the improvements it has made to your HR department. 

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